The Secret of Natural Beauty!

My experience with the Vampire Facelift® was quite dramatic. I’m a 54-year-old aesthetician from Atlanta, Georgia, with relatively good skin for my age. I’ve always been fascinated by the aesthetics of skin and beauty. These areas of interest have played a major part in my life and in my career for over 20 years. I’ve never been married nor had any kids, so I have had a lot of time to spare, to say the least.

I had been noticing some changes in my skin due to aging. Changes that couldn’t be fixed or adjusted with an array of facials or creams. I needed something to help improve my tired and gaunt appearance. I’ve had some volume loss in the cheek area and had some terrible lines around my eyes and lips. It had come to the point where it made me feel really unattractive. Realistically, I wanted to get back out there and start dating again.

I remember my good friend Stacey had recommended Dr. Danovich to me a while back. Stacey was a loyal patient of hers for over 2 years. I can honestly say Stacey’s face looked like she had walked off of a photoshoot. Her skin was always fresh and dewy, like the models you see on the magazine covers. I asked Stacey for Dr. Danovich’s information once again so I could set up my consultation appointment with her. I noticed her 917 area code. New York? Is she in New York? Stacey nodded her head and gave me the “she’s definitely worth the trip” kind of look.

Upon arriving, I remember thinking her Manhattan office was immaculate. Space and energy were very bright as you walked in. It almost felt like an all-white gallery. As I entered, I was welcomed by a bubbly receptionist. Soon enough, I was filling out the patient forms. It isn’t long before Dr. Danovich walked out to greet me with a huge smile. She was absolutely stunning!

We then went into her office, where she explained each step of the procedure, and how the combination of organic healing serum and fillers would work. I must admit, I felt a bit nervous. I knew I wanted something subtle. Something that would make me look and feel 10 years younger. But this would be the first time that I was actually going to get work done. I immediately expressed my concerns about PAIN, and she reassured me that the pain would be minimal. I still had my doubts, but by that time, I was fully committed to having this treatment done.

The doctor stated that many women who have had the Vampire Facelift® reported a dramatic improvement in their skin. I longed to see that elusive thing called “glow” back in my face again. I believe that as we start to age, we start to lose a lot of our confidence, especially in this generation, whereas we know, looks do matter.

I was then taken into the procedure room, where all of the treatments are done. The first step of the process was to have my blood drawn. I’ve had my blood drawn a zillion times, but somehow I was still nervous. To my surprise, Dr. D happened to be really good at it! She found the vein the first try and no pain. The blood was drawn, and she placed the vials into a centrifuge to obtain the organic healing serum. Thereafter, she extracted the organic healing serum and injected it into my face along with fillers to replace volume loss. For one thing, she was right. No pain whatsoever. A little discomfort, but nothing major. She then injected fillers under my eyes, nasal labial folds, and my marionette lines. She had mentioned that when fillers are used in conjunction with organic healing serum, the results are much better and longer-lasting. The whole process lasted around 40 minutes. When I looked into the mirror after the injections, I was a bit swollen.

Dr. Danovich had mentioned I’d be a little swollen for the first 48-72 hours with very little bruising. Since I had taken a week off of work, I decided to stay near the area and explore the city that never sleeps with a pair of big black shades and a Yankee cap. Very à la New York.

When I arrived back home six days later, I looked like my old self again. BUT BETTER!! I looked like I had gone away on vacation and slept the entire time. Everyone kept complimenting me on how great my skin looked. I even got asked if I had gotten any work done. I didn’t deny it. Dr. D should definitely be recognized and praised for her fantastic work! I was back at work that very week and felt better than I had in a long time. I even met a guy three weeks later. Go figure.

I know some will ask why I chose to fly to New York to have this treatment done when I might have been able to find someone closer to my home to do it. To me, it was never an option to go anywhere else. Dr. Danovich is the pioneer in using the organic healing serum, and if I was going to get this done, I wanted to make sure I went to the right person who had the most experience and knowledge using this medical technology. I’ll happily fly to NY to get this treatment done twice or three times a year so that I can feel better about myself and my skin.

I have to thank Dr. Danovich and her staff for treating me so well. They were absolutely wonderful and made me feel completely at ease. She was compassionate and understanding of my concerns; a great doctor with a sense of humor, and a kind personality. So thank you Dr. D!

There are plastic surgeons, and there are gifted plastic surgeons. Dr. Danovich is truly gifted. My facial features are enhanced in a way that is so completely natural and soft. I'm grateful to have found a cosmetic surgeon that has that special, undefinable artistic talent.