What are the major causes of hair loss in women?
Female pattern hair loss can be significantly influenced by age, nutrition, stress, surgery, medications, illness, social/lifestyle factors, hair care, heredity, and more.
What are the most common causes of hair loss in men?
Male hair loss follows a very specific, progressive pattern that has a strong genetic predisposition and is triggered by increased dihydrotestosterone or DHT hormone.
How is a hair loss diagnosis obtained?
A hair loss “work up” starts with a detailed medical history, including family history, history of medical illness, poor nutrition, current medications, hair care regimen, recent surgeries, and a detailed history of the hair loss pattern. A physical exam includes evaluation of the scalp for signs and symptoms of hair loss and any concurrent problems. Blood work or other testing may be performed if indicated based on health history and/or physical symptoms.
What is the organic hair regrowth treatment and how does it work?
The organic healing serum consists of growth factors and cytokines that have been shown to be responsible for stimulating and enhancing hair follicle function. Organic healing serum can be combined with ECM or Extracellular Matrix (like ACell or BioD), Pluripotent Cells, and Mesotherapy (Vitamin Cocktail) for stronger and longer-lasting hair growth results.
How long does the benefit of organic healing serum treatments last?
On average, the benefits of organic healing serum treatments last forever; however, most patients will need to repeat organic healing serum treatment after approximately one year in order to maintain the hair growth effects.
What are the risks of organic healing serum treatments?
Organic healing serum treatment is a comfortable, in-office, non-surgical procedure that takes about an hour from start-to-finish. Most patients may notice a brief period of inflammation during which their scalp remains somewhat pink and numb for several hours. Swelling is rare (about 15% of the time), and if it occurs, it is noticeable on the forehead or around the eye area the next day. Any swelling takes about a day or two to resolve.
Is there a recovery period or downtime after organic healing serum treatments?
There is no activity restriction after an organic healing serum treatment. Patients may shower/shampoo/condition their hair normally 12 hours after the treatment. They may also resume all normal daily and athletic activities. No harsh chemical coloring or perming treatments should be performed for at least 72 hours. Use of topical hair growth treatments like Minoxidil (Rogaine) or Laser Therapy can be resumed the next day.
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